New Year, New Blog
Hello, all.
To begin with, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my blog. What Is An Insight has been my canvas to talk about advertising – as an insider – and I hope you’ve found it interesting.
I find myself confused about this blog, however. I’m not sure what content to put up on it – which would explain the often lengthy intervals between posts. I haven’t yet figured out a consistent writing style. These are things I know I should have done right in the beginning, but this blog just happened.
So now I’m struggling.
In the New Year, I will revamp What Is An Insight. New look. New focus (still as an insider). And a new writing style.
Hopefully, you will still find it interesting.
In the meanwhile, have a happy and safe New Year. And here’s a useful link to get you through 1st January 2010.